Monday, 24 October 2011


Questions to Ask Yourself for Each Concept.
  1. What is the tempo?
  2. What is the time signature?
  3. Is the time signature simple or compound?
  4. Does the time signature change or remain the same?
  5. Is there rhythmic repetition? If so, who has it? Can you notate an example.
  6. Is the rhythm straight or syncopated? Refer to both the melody and the accompaniment.
  7. Are there different rhythmic layers? If so how many?
  8. Are there any continuous rhythmic ostinatos? 
  1. Is the tonality Major or Minor?
  2. Is the melody Conjunct (stepwise) or Disjunct (leaps)?
  3. Is the accompaniment Conjunct (stepwise) or Disjunct (leaps)?
  4. Do we use diatonic harmony or chromatic harmony?
  5. What is the rate of harmonic change? (EG one chord per bar)
  6. What is the range of the melody?
  7. Is there any melodic repetition? Give example if applicable quote lyrics.
  8. Are there any sequences? 
  9. Are there any counter melodies?
  1. How many layers of sound are there?
  2. What is the role of each layer? Melody, counter melody, harmony or accompaniment?
  3. Is the texture Homophonic –melody and accompaniment. Mono Phonic – one solo instrument only or Polyphonic – many layers of equal importance.
  4. Is the texture dense or sparse?
  5. Does the texture remain the same through out? If so describe how it changes.
  6. Use a diagram to show the variation in texture label it clearly. Give as much detail as possible.
Tone Colour
  1. Identify the instruments or voices playing.
  2. How is the sound produced? E.g. strings – bow or pizzicato, hit (drums) –hand mallet or brushes? Etc.
  3. Describe the sound – light, airy, rich, somber, dark, nasal, strident, brassy, etc.
  4. Does it vary? Describe in detail the changes.
  5. Are they using any expressive techniques to alter the tone quality?
Dynamic and Expressive Techniques
  1. Is it loud or soft? Do the dynamics change, if so how, give details.
  2. Does the piece use accents, staccatos, slurs – legato, ornamentation –trills, grace notes, vibrato, melismas, mutes, pitch bends, slides, and glissandos? If so give detail as to which part uses the expressive technique.
  1. How many different sections are there?
  2. What happens in each section- refer to other concepts
  3. Use diagrams to show the structure. Clearly label each section and give details to why it is a new section.
  4. Is it AB, ABA, Verse Chorus, ABACA, etc.

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